"Winston in Wyoming" The Backstory...
"Winston in Wyoming" is the first book I've both written and illustrated. It is a short work of fiction inspired by life. Ever since my Shih Tzu Winston passed on New Years Eve 2018, I have wanted to do something special to commemorate him, and here it is.
He was more than just a dog to me. He moved with me all over the country (multiple times). Just to name a few of our adventures... He went on multi-day backpacking trips, LOVED hiking, joined me for graduate school in Rhode Island, had a stint in NYC and returned to Greenville with me. He was my carry-on luggage on at least 20 cross-country flights. He was my friend and my baby.
Winston was hit by a car and killed about a year before my mom's Pancreatic Cancer diagnosis. It was an accident, but we were heartbroken. I knew then I wanted to do something to honor him, but I wasn't ready. Then my mom passed, and I really wasn't ready. The ideas were stewing though (and still are for more follow up stories).
In a conversation I had recently, someone told me that I should write that book that I have been thinking about, so I did. (There is more behind that for those of you interested. Hint Hint* a spiritual advisor).
This book is in memory of Winston and the adventures we had. It is for my mom who always wanted to write and illustrate her own children's book. It is for my husband and my dad, both of whom I am forever grateful to. And it is to inspire my 2 baby girls to do whatever they love. I really hope you and the children in your life enjoy it!
Anyway PRE SALES are now open! I expect to have the books in hand by the beginning of April. Follow this link to purchase your copy and learn more. THANK YOU for your support.
He was more than just a dog to me. He moved with me all over the country (multiple times). Just to name a few of our adventures... He went on multi-day backpacking trips, LOVED hiking, joined me for graduate school in Rhode Island, had a stint in NYC and returned to Greenville with me. He was my carry-on luggage on at least 20 cross-country flights. He was my friend and my baby.
Winston was hit by a car and killed about a year before my mom's Pancreatic Cancer diagnosis. It was an accident, but we were heartbroken. I knew then I wanted to do something to honor him, but I wasn't ready. Then my mom passed, and I really wasn't ready. The ideas were stewing though (and still are for more follow up stories).
In a conversation I had recently, someone told me that I should write that book that I have been thinking about, so I did. (There is more behind that for those of you interested. Hint Hint* a spiritual advisor).
This book is in memory of Winston and the adventures we had. It is for my mom who always wanted to write and illustrate her own children's book. It is for my husband and my dad, both of whom I am forever grateful to. And it is to inspire my 2 baby girls to do whatever they love. I really hope you and the children in your life enjoy it!
Anyway PRE SALES are now open! I expect to have the books in hand by the beginning of April. Follow this link to purchase your copy and learn more. THANK YOU for your support.